Thursday, 9 May 2013

Won't back down

Last night I went to the movies and saw “Won't back down.” I was inspired to hope that we can also change schools in the Eastern Cape.

Of course it is a different setting with completely different historic circumstances, but I also saw a few things that we need to consider.

Teachers, why are you teachers? Is it still about the education of the children or has it become about money and job security?

I know that it is not an easy task that you have in your hands – the lack of facilities, finances, large numbers of learners in classes, discipline problems, loads of admin, parents' lack of involvement...The list goes on and on.

The challenge posed by this movie is: How does teachers remain focused on teaching children the best they can?  I think the answer is by being accountable.

It was good to see the courage of a mother to confront a school system that has gone bad. I think we need more parents like that. People that are not only concerned about the future of their own children, but also about all the other children who's parents won't stand up and speak out.

Of course this does not give parents a Blanco check to interfere as they like. There must be trust in teachers qualifications and good intentions. Where the facts on the ground and in the community's statistics paints a different picture though – parents and teachers need to take hands and work hard for change. It will take courage and commitment, but I can tell you this – if they don't, nobody will.

Yes, there is an important role government must play in education, but will they play it if nobody insist on it? And if they don't or can't get to it yet, what should parents and teachers do in the mean time? Wait? Or role up their sleeves?


Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Oop deur

Weereens, die afgelope maande het ek ervaar hoe dit die Here is wat deure oopmaak en ander weer toe maak.  Net na my terugkeer na SA in Julie 2011 was ek baie bewus van die nood in Helenvale en het ek ervaar dat daar vir my 'n roeping van die Here daar is.  Tog het die Here vir die afgelope amper twee jaar aanhoudend ander deure oopgemaak vir my om in te beweeg.  Tot nou toe.

Die Acvv Poplarlaan se area strek tot by Helenvale en daar is kinders ook daar wat lees en basiese wiskunde probleme het.  Dit sou finansieel baie kos om hierdie kinders met hulle versorgers met taxi's daarheen te vervoer.  Dus het ek voorgestel dat ek daarheen gaan.  Om 'n lang storie kort te maak: Ek het Ds. Hendry Tromp van die VGK Gelvandale genader of ons hulle kerkgebou kon gebruik en hy en sy kerkraad het met entoesiasme daartoe ingestem.  Hy het my egter uitgedaag dat onderrig en voeding saamgaan.  Dus moet ek nou weekliks 4 brode se toebroodjies en koeldrank se fondse of skenkings bybring.  Enige donasie hiervoor sal baie waardeer word.

Die vrywilliger wat ek glo deur die Here gestuur is net op die regte tyd, is 'n meisie met baie potensiaal, self ook van die Noordelike Areas.  Ek onderneem in die geloof om haar en 'n vriendin, wat die kinders sal verwelkom, voed en inspireer se vervoer onkostes te betaal.

Dit is dus met opgewonde verwagting dat ek hierdie nuwe oop deur betree.  Indien iemand betrokke wil raak, kan hulle my by kontak.

