Sunday, 8 September 2019

Sophakama Internship 2019

I feel so happy about this year's Intens!

I have 5 students.  2 from the ACVV; 1 from Michausdal; 1 from Lingelihle and 1 from my church in town.  Each one of them are bringing something unique to the table, when we meet on Friday mornings. 

The lady from Michausdal work with me twice a week in Carinus Primary School, where we give more individual attention to 60 Grade 1  learners.  In this the 3rd term, out of the 60 learners, only 10 kids' progress are slower than we have hoped for, but are still in a far better place than when we started with them in February.  The rest of the kids are progressing so much and that brings us joy.  We have made a difference in these kids' lives.  I am happy for this Intern to have had the opportunity to have this exposure.  Now she understands the process of learning to read and she will be able to teach other kids as well.

The lady from Lingelihle has a real heart of compassion for the hurting girls in her community.  She has decided to study Social Work next year.  I think the Community Project Management is proving to be very beneficial to her.

One of the ACVV Interns is also looking into furthering her studies in Social Work.  She has impressed me with her commitment and deep thoughts about life.

The last 2 Interns are guys.  The second ACVV Intern is working with me at the After-school programme of the ACVV 2 afternoons a week.  He has an understanding of Higher Grade Maths, which is very useful.  He also has a heart for Children's Programmes in the community and on Saturdays you might find him holding Gwarra-dance competition in Michausdal.

The last Intern is a young man with a heart to use sport in poor communities as a tool to mentor learners in the area of Social/Emotional well-being.  He is also working towards Hockey coaching qualifications in the pursue of this dream.

In November we hope to take some of the older children we taught this year on a camp.  We look forward to this weekend with the kids at the seaside.

That will conclude this year spent together as Sophakama Internship 2019.
