Thursday, 18 October 2018

A New Maths Club in Cradock!


A month ago I started a Maths Club in Lingelihle, Cradock at the Church of the Assention, Anglican Church. When I went to suggest this possibility, Rev. Zweli Tom was very positive and immediately gave a retired teacher in the congregation the responsibility to partner with me to see to the establishment of this club. This opportunity was then made public during two Sundays in the Worship Service, after which I evaluated all the learners that came. Now, after one month there are 12 learners enrolled at the club.

When the first learner arrived for evaluation I was a little nervous to see that she was a High School learner, since I made it very clear that this Club will start to lay the foundation in Maths. At the end of the day most of the learners that came were Grade 8's. When I however graded their evaluation sheets, I saw that they indeed still need some work on their foundation. I have seen in the past that it is actually never too late to lay the foundation and that it will help them to continue with better grades.

It is with sadness though, that I also observed that these learners already carry emotional scars, because of their struggle in Maths. I try to communicate that there is no need to be embarrassed when you are practicing a new skill and struggle. You should rather be embarrassed when you quit practicing a skill, in other words, give up. They however are learners that are willing to invest time and energy after school to continue practicing their Maths Skills. I am convinced that they will indeed reap the reward of this sacrifice.

At Carinus Primary School, where I am helping one Grade 1 teacher with 19 of her learners who need help with reading and perceptual development, I am happy with the learners' progress. I hope that we will be able to continue here and even grow the programme.

All the best for this last stretch!
