Friday, 21 August 2015

First month!

One month has passed since I started working full time with Sophakama.  It has been an emotional and spiritual rollercoaster, but not the crazy type, the fun type.  Leaving full time employment and taking up full time "unemployment" has really challenged me spiritually because now I am really learning what it is to live everyday by the grace of God. 
The past month I have started to take 13 Gr 1 kids from Diaz Primary and 3 Gr1 kids at the ACVV.  They all struggle with reading and many of them are being taught in what is not their mother tongue.  A few of them have never built a puzzle and was delighted when I introduced it to them.  I can already begin to see some progress in some of them and it really warms my heart.  I feel so strongly about getting a child's educational foundation right, because as with building a house, if the foundation is not laid right the house will eventually fall apart. 
I also really wanted to get started again at Mina Moo playschool in Hellenvale, because there are children there that will be of school going age next year.  This has however not worked out yet.  There is a possibility of getting involved with a group of young mothers in teaching them some basic and inexpensive games for their toddlers which will prepare them a little better for school.  I am excited about that, because those mothers can really make a difference. 
