Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Just like family!

I love our times together in Gelvandale. There are 5 kids that have been coming from the start in May, but lately we have other kids from the community also joining us. We start with sandwiches and juice, during which time we chat about anything. After this eating together, we work on reading and maths. When they finish their work they are welcome to colour in or play boardgames. I sometimes also read them a story, when all of them are done with their work. The atmosphere among us, is so beautiful. Just like family! During the September holidays we will take the Gelvandale kids as well as the Acvv Poplar Avenue's and Anchor of Hope's kids on a camp. We are going to spend a weekend on Hannes Marais' farm just outside Cookhouse. The kids are so excited about this prospect. Two students at Klema, Jay Jay Greyling and Gerrit Pool, agreed to help Marencia Parel and I with this weekend. I feel so blessed that these three beautiful young people are investing time in the lives of these kids together with me. Thank you, guys! Evelyn Lotz